7th MR in RT Symposium, eBook

7th MR in RT Symposium, eBook

Author:  7th MR in RT Symposium
ISBN:  9781930524149
Published:  August 2019 | 39 | eBook

Price:   $ 12.00      List Price 15.00



The advancement and implementation of novel MRI technologies in radiation oncology is currently one of the most exciting areas of research and clinical development. This symposium aimed to capitalize on this trend by bringing together all professionals (i.e., physicists, radiation oncologists, and radiation therapists) interested in the latest developments and applications of MRI-driven radiotherapy. The content of the meeting was scientific and provided a comprehensive coverage of all key topics in a multi-disciplinary and interactive setting. The current clinical status and perceived clinical trends were highlighted on the first day of the conference. Ongoing technical developments and the testing of novel research ideas followed on days two and three. The symposium wrapped up with coverage of the latest advancements on deep learning methodologies as applied to the radiation therapy field. The present book of abstracts collated the material presented during the symposium. It is organized in order of appearance in the scientific program. The abstracts also reflect the content of all presentation types, i.e., long and short oral presentations and poster displays.