True Tales of Medical Physics: Insights into a Life-Saving Specialty

True Tales of Medical Physics: Insights into a Life-Saving Specialty

Author:  Jacob Van Dyk, Editor
ISBN:  9783030917234
Published:  2022 June | 575 pp | Softcover

Price:   $ 31.16      List Price 38.95



This book brings together an all-star cast of award-winning scholars. The collection of personal short stories gives an informal glimpse into the lives of these esteemed professionals, encapsulating their "aha" moments within their inspiring anecdotes. From practical career advice to lighthearted tales of humorous misadventure these tales provide a tremendous overview of the breadth and depth of medical physics as a career and discipline. From the general public to the budding student in search of career guidance, as well as young and seasoned practicing professional, these entertaining "untold stories" encourage the reader to reflect on and ponder the many enduring lessons born from unexpected life-turning events.