A Century of Radiation and Medical Physics at New York's Memorial Hospital, eBook
Author: Judith Groch, John Laughlin, Jean St. Germain, Clifton LingISBN: 9780944838419
Published: January 2019 | 146 pp | eBook
Price: $ 25.00

Sample Chapter 4 [pdf format]Since the early 1910s, the staff of Memorial Hospital in New York has been deeply involved in the development and application of radiation to treat cancer. This book chronicles the activities and contributions of the hospital’s medical physics staff from 1910–2010. Memorial Hospital’s medical physics pioneers included the likes of Gioacchino Failla and Edith Quimby, while the modern eras were led by John Laughlin and Clifton Ling.
This book is also available in softcover, ISBN #9780944838082