The Physics & Technology of Radiation Therapy, 2nd Edition, eBook

Author:  Patrick N. McDermott and Colin G.Orton
ISBN:  9781930524996
Published:  November 2018 | 870 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 165.00


Medical Physics Journal, (AAPM)  |  Aug 2019, Vol 46, Issue 8


This is the 2nd and revised edition of a successful textbook on the physics of radiation therapy1 that covers basic principles and new technologies in the field and how they apply to the clinical practice. The revised textbook is better organized, easier to navigate and read than its predecessor. It is designed as a parallel resource or an alternative to well-established books in the field of radiotherapy physics. The contents of the revised edition correlate well with the required topics in preparation for the American Board of Radiology (ABR), American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT), and Medical Dosimetrist Certification (MDCB) ABR, AART and MDCB board examinations.


The authors have successfully addressed the most common aspects of radiation physics from an educational and a practical perspective, while expanding into new technologies and methods of radiotherapy physics. Their text provides all the necessary information that is useful to radiation oncology residents, medical dosimetrists and technology students. For individuals who are interested in further investigation, the reference list provided at the end of each chapter can greatly assist them.


Like the previous edition, the 2nd edition is primarily directed toward the needs of radiation oncology residents, since it has been developed through years of experience teaching in residency programs. In my opinion, it can also be useful to medical dosimetry and therapy technology students. For established practitioners, it can serve as a great supplemental resource for reviewing radiotherapy physics and practicing problem-solving. I would strongly recommend this textbook to any radiation therapy technology training program, dosimetry program, medical residency program in radiation oncology, and anyone else who is interested in learning what new technologies and applications are available in radiotherapy physics.


The contents of the book are laid out in 22 chapters and four appendices. All chapters include colored graphs and figures to assist the reader. There are numerous tables with data and other pertinent information that can be used in problem-solving. All the tables and examples of solved equations have a colored background that makes them easily visible for better navigation through the text. The authors have included the “rule of thumb” boxes (designated by a “thumb up” symbol) within the text and a concise summary at the end of every chapter. I found both of those features valuable for review and examination preparation. Also, each chapter concludes, with a concise set of summary problems and a bibliography. The chapters start from traditional radiation therapy physics topics and then expand into new technologies and modalities. Wherever pertinent, the authors underline the importance of quality control, quality assurance, and patient safety. Chapters 1 and 2 review basic mathematics and physics. Chapters 3 through 6 cover basic nuclear and atomic physics, radioactivity, x-ray production, and the interaction of radiation with matter. Since electron beams are a standard treatment modality, this topic is covered in Chapter 16, including feature of clinical electron beams and treatment planning. Chapters 7 and 8 describe radiation measurement and detection methods and systems. Chapters 9 through 12 cover linac technology, photon beam dosimetry, photon beam calibration, calculation of monitor units, and shaped photon fields. Chapters 13 through 15 present methods of photon-beam dose computation and advanced treatment planning including IMRT inverse planning and plan evaluation. Chapters 16 and 17 cover electron-beam and brachytherapy physics and their clinical applications. Chapters 18 through 21 cover radiation protection, quality assurance, and patient safety and all the new technologies from imaging in radiation therapy to special modalities and special procedures as well as their use in the clinical setting. The last chapter is dedicated to proton therapy physics and its applications. Appendix A outlines the physics topics required by the ABR board certification for radiation oncology, the AART board certification for radiologic technologists and the MDCB certification for medical dosimetrists. Appendix B presents tabulated dosimetry data. Appendix C provides sample linac beam data of a fictitious linac, called “Mevelac” and Appendix D provides the answers to the problems in the text. Finally, the text is up-to-date and current with all the technologies and techniques in contemporary radiotherapy physics and radiation oncology practice.


The text takes a practical approach to radiotherapy physics and planning that is best suited for radiation therapy medical residents and technologists in building their background knowledge and understanding of why and how things happen in the clinical environment. For radiation oncology residents, it can serve as a quick and comprehensive review “manual” of the basic principles and recent developments in the field. Without hesitation, I can recommend this textbook as a teaching tool for radiation therapy residency and radiologic technology training programs. I found a clear and timely improvement with the 2nd edition because it follows the new developments in the field. It also expands on important topics of modern clinical applications such as IMRT, image guidance, treatment plan optimization and evaluation, and special procedures.

Reviewed by Dimitris Mihailidis, Ph.D.

Dimitris Mihailidis is an Associate Professor of Clinical Radiation Oncology with Penn Medicine. He has been practicing clinical radiation oncology physics for several years and provides consultation services in medical diagnostic imaging and nuclear medicine physics to various medical institutions. He is a Fellow of the AAPM and ACMP and is Book Review Editor for the Medical Physics journal.