The Physics & Technology of Radiation Therapy, 2nd Edition, eBook
Author: Patrick N. McDermott and Colin G.OrtonISBN: 9781930524996
Published: November 2018 | 870 pp | eBook
Price: $ 165.00

Sample Chapter 9 [pdf format]It's no wonder more and more colleges are adopting The Physics & Technology of Radiation Therapy for their radiology and medical physics programs. Radiation therapy is a difficult subject to understand and teach, so it helps to have a book written by two renowned experts who have explained the field's tough concepts to students for many years with the perfect mix of depth, insight, and humor. The critics agree.
From Thomas Lowinger in IOMP Journal... "This is an excellent book; the presentation of the book diagrams, figures, pictures (many in color), and selection of problems are clear and logical and make this book a classic. It is evident that the authors have taught this subject for a long time and were able to distill and explain concepts in a clear and interesting way. The authors have written a spellbinding textbook that belongs on the bookshelf of every medical physicist, both as a reference and as guide. …it surely belongs in the pantheon of great medical physics textbooks. I wish I had this book when I was a student."
From Joseph P. Driewer in JACMP... "The 2nd edition of The Physics & Technology of Radiation Therapy by McDermott and Orton is an accessible textbook for radiation therapists, medical dosimetrists, and radiation oncology residents. It could be a great primary text for a first course in radiation therapy physics as well as a great study resource for board exams in these areas."
The 2nd edition has been guided by the 2018 ASTRO core curriculum for radiation oncology residents. Novice physicists will find the book useful when studying for board exams, with helpful chapter summaries, appendices, and extra end-of-chapter problems and questions. It features new material on digital x-ray imaging, neutron survey meters, flattening-filter free and x-band linacs, biological dose indices, electronic brachytherapy, OSLD, Cerenkov radiation, FMEA, total body irradiation, proton therapy, and more.
- Also included:
- Updated graphics in full color for increased understanding.
- Appendices on board certifications in radiation therapy for ABR, AART, and Medical Dosimetrist Certification Board.
- Dosimetry Data
- A full index
This book is also available in softcover, ISBN #9781930524989