#33 The Physics and Applications of PET/CT Imaging (AAPM 2008 Summer School)

#33 The Physics and Applications of PET/CT Imaging (AAPM 2008 Summer School)

Author:  Dianna Cody and Osama Mawlawi, Program Directors
ISBN:  9781936366514
Published:  2008 | 288 pp.  | eBook

Price:   $ 72.00      List Price 90.00



Since the mid-1990s, the functional capabilities of PET have been combined with anatomical imaging of computed tomography (CT) to produce hybrid PET-CT scanners. Today, all clinical scanners being delivered are PET-CT scanners. Given this, the 2008 AAPM summer school addressed PET/CT imaging by bringing together an outstanding mix of researchers and practitioners. Topics include PET and CT basics, diagnostic and clinical applications, PET/CT scanner designs and characteristics, scanner testing, PET ACR accreditation and acceptance testing, PET/CT simulation for therapy applications, shielding calculations and radiation safety, and site planning.

This book is also available in hardcover, ISBN #9781930524422