Public Protection From Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Terrorism, eBook

Public Protection From Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Terrorism, eBook

Author:  Allen Brodsky, Raymond H. Johnson, and Ronald E. Goans, editors (Health Physics Society)
ISBN:  9781930524842
Published:  2004 July | 872 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 52.00      List Price 65.00



Sample Chapter 25 [pdf format]

Sample Chapter 20 [pdf format]

This book is also available in hardcover, ISBN #9781930524231

More than 40 experts discuss principles and lessons learned from past experiences to help the professional understand the rationale for proper planning, assessments, and responses to terrorism. In this comprehensive volume, you will find extensive rules of thumb and data needed for the quick actions necessary to save life and prevent panic in the immediate aftermath of a terrorist attack. Appendices provide information for rapid medical assessment, an extensive list of web resources, and much more.

A 24-page, 1,800-entry index makes finding the specific information you need easy and fast