Medical Health Physics

Medical Health Physics

Author:  David Medich, Christopher Martel (Health Physics Society)
ISBN:  9781930524316
Published:  2006 | 378 pp.  | Softcover

Price:   $ 60.00      List Price 75.00


Table of Contents

Radiation Protection in a Medical Institution
Salifu Dakubu

Patient Dosimetry in Diagnostic Imaging
Christopher Martel

An Introduction to Diagnostic Radiographic Equipment
Jason R. Cezeaux

Instrumentation and Radiation Safety Considerations for Nuclear Medicine and Positron Emission Tomography
John A. Correia

Health Physics in Brachytherapy: Applications of Radiological Safety, Clinical Implementation, and Medical Research
Mark J. Rivard

A Guide to Licensing a Medical Facility for the Use of Radioactive Materials
Robert D. Forrest

The Role of the Health Physicist in Human Biomedical Research
Marcia B. Hartman and Sarah Kindrick

Medical Events and the Health Physicist
Victor Evdokimoff

NRC Initiatives on National Source Tracking
P. K. Holahan, P. Goldberg, M. L. Horn, and W. Ward

Radioactive Waste Management in Medical Programs
William A. Lorenzen

Institutional Safety Program for Health Care Laser Systems
Ben E. Edwards

Calculation of Transmission Functions Using NCRP Report No. 147 Methodology
Mark A. Tries

Linear Accelerator Shielding: Thirty Years Beyond NCRP 49
Peter J. Biggs

Design Elements of a Medical/Radiological Emergency Response Plan
Ian S. Hamilton

Radiation Control Agency Inspections at Medical Facilities
William P. Dundulis, Jr.

Performing Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Radiation Safety Audits at Healthcare Facilities
René Michel

Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation Exposure in Medicine: Current Issues
Kenneth L. Mossman

Running an Effective Hospital Health Physics Program
P. Andrew Karam