Practical Applications of Internal Dosimetry

Practical Applications of Internal Dosimetry

Author:  Wesley E. Bolch, editor
ISBN:  9781930524095      ISBN10:  1930524099
Published:  2002 | 480 pp. | 

Price:   $ 48.00      List Price 60.00


Table of Contents



List of Contributors

Table of Contents

The Anatomical and Physiological Bases for Internal Dosimetry, Wesley Bolch

Biokinetics of Inhaled, Ingested, and Percutaneously Deposited Radionuclides, Raymond Guilmette

Elements of Exposure, Bioassay, and Internal Dose Assessment Programs, Kenneth Skrable, Clayton French, George Chabot, Mark Tries, Thomas La Bone, and Charles Potter

Design and Conduct of Programs for the Evaluation and Control of Internal Exposures - A Framework Within Current Regulatory and Legal Requirements, Kenneth Skrable, Clayton French, George Chabot, Mark Tries, and Charles Potter

Variance Models for Estimating Intakes from Repetitive Bioassay Measurements, Kenneth Skrable, Clayton French, George Chabot, Mark Tries, and Thomas La Bone

Fecal Monitoring for Plutonium and Other Long-Lived Actinides Including Methods for Separating the Respirable from the Non-Respirable Portion of an Inhalation Intake, Kenneth Skrable, Clayton French, George Chabot, and Mark Tries

Bayesian Statistics - Fundamentals, Tom Tadfor Little

Case Studies - Internal Dosimetry Calculations Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Guthrie Miller

Radiation Dose Assessments in Nuclear Medicine, Michael Stabin

Dosimetry for Radionuclide Therapies, Lionel Bouchet

List of Symbols

List of Acronyms

Subject Index