Clinical Ultrasound Physics: A Workbook for Physicists, Residents, and Students

Clinical Ultrasound Physics: A Workbook for Physicists, Residents, and Students

Author:  James M. Kofler, Jr., et al
ISBN:  9781930524064      ISBN10:  1930524064
Published:  2001 | 79 pp | 

Price:   $ 50.00


Table of Contents

1. Fram Rate Demonstrations
2. Resolution
3. Frequency and Depth of Penetration
4. Operator-Controlled Variables
5. Doppler Demonstrations
6. Color Flow and Power Doppler Imaging Demonstrations

Ultrasound QA References
Appendix A: The Practice and Education Of Ultrasound Safety
Appendix B: Harmonic Imaging
Appendix C: Dta Sheets and Plot Templates
Closing Remarks