Lectures on Radiation Dosimetry Physics: A Deeper Look into the Foundations of Clinical Protocols

Author:  Michael W. Kissick and Sharareh Fakhraei
ISBN:  9781930524927
Published:  November 2016 | 156 pp | Softcover

Price:   $ 50.00


Journal of Medical Physics, AAPM  |  JAN 2021


This book covers all the fundamentals of radiation physics related to the two AAPM dosimetry protocols, TG-21 and TG-51. The authors have presented the materials in a concise book and provided mathematical equations rigorously describing the physics in it.


The authors have attempted to compile all the physics concepts in radiation dosimetry based on a past graduate course summarizing the material in short chapters with mathematical descriptions. The ultimate goal is for readers to receive all the necessary details in order to understand the AAPM TG-21 and TG-51 clinical dosimetry protocols.


This book would be suitable as a supplement to any graduate course in radiation dosimetry for medical physicists. It also serves as a great reference for practicing clinical physicist who may be seeking further information about the two dosimetry protocols without referring to any related textbooks.


The book starts with the role of ionization radiation and covers all the fundamental interactions, including photons and charged particles in a few chapters. The following chapters cover topics important to clinical medical physicists. They include measurements of ionization radiation, equilibrium theory, absorbed dose, and cavity theories. The book also covers the interactions of charged particles in film media. In the final two chapters, the authors discuss the cavity ionization chambers for the introduction of ion chambers used for measurements, including some instrumentation necessary for those measurements. The last chapter presents the measurement of an ionizing photon using the two AAPM protocols, namely TG-21 and TG-51, for calibration of high-energy photon beam excluding the high energy electron beams.


Overall, I find the Lectures on Radiation Dosimetry Physics a well mathematically illustrated supplemental book for a graduate course in radiation dosimetry. It is also a fine reference for practicing medical physicists who are using the two dosimetry protocols and need to either remind themselves of fundamentals or have a deeper understanding of the details in the protocols without having to refer to many publications and textbooks on the subject.

Alireza Kassaee, Ph.D.

Alireza Kassaee is a Clinical Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology with Penn Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. He specializes in proton therapy and delivery systems. He has a long history and expertise in teaching medical residents, medical physics residents, and graduate students.