#30 Specifications, Performance Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Radiographic and Fluoroscopic Systems in the Digital Era
Author: Lee Goldman and Michael Yester, editorsISBN: 9781930524293 ISBN10: 1930524293
Published: 2004 | 378 pp. | Softcover
Price: $ 75.00
Medical Physics | August 2005
"With experts in medical imaging as authors, this book provides both an overview and a detailed look at radiographic x-ray and fluoroscopic imaging systems in the digital era. The book covers advances in radiographic and fluoroscopic systems beginning with the basics, and then explaining in detail the specifications, performance evaluations, and quality assurance of these systems. In particular, it emphasizes the digital aspects of radiographic x-ray and fluoroscopic imaging systems.
"The book is essentially a collection of 12 'smaller' books about radiographic and fluoroscopic systems. The readers can glimpse future development trends in the digital era for x-ray systems, and then delve into each subsystem in detail. The book explains the nature of the digital image, DICOM basics, computer radiography technology (CRT), detectors, performance testing, evaluation, and quality assurance. The authors provide many figures to illustrate different subsystems and also give suggestions and criteria for different selections of the subsystems.
"One of the most useful 'small' books for the reviewer is the inspection of radiographic and fluoroscopic equipment by one of the editors. It covers quality assurance for radiographic and fluoroscopic systems and can be used as guide for annual quality assurance in the clinic.
"The 351-page book is composed of short chapters, and the reader can read each chapter separately in a couple of days, or the entire book in two or three weeks. The book is useful not only for those in the field of diagnostic imaging, but also for persons in radiation therapy. I highly recommend it.
--Chengyu Shi