The Physics of Radiotherapy X-Rays from Linear Accelerators (softcover)

Author:  Peter Metcalfe, Tomas Kron and Peter Hoban
ISBN:  9780944838761      ISBN10:  0944838766
Published:  1997 | 493 pp | Softcover



Medical Physics  |  March 1998

"This softcover book on the Physics of Radiotherapy X-Rays from Linear Accelerators has some striking features not covered in other classical textbooks of radiotherapy. Chapters 1-5 provide the basis of medical linear accelerators, interaction properties of x-rays on electrons, dosimetry of therapeutic x-rays, properties of x-ray beams from linear accelerators and radiation therapy treatment planning. In Chapters 6-8, the authors have given an excellent coverage of photon beam modeling and inhomogeneity correction methods, Monte Carlo and convolution methods and modern tumor and normal tissue response concepts pertinent to radiotherapy treatment planning.

"This book also differs with the other classical texts in the sense that it minimizes the discussion on older technologies and places greater emphasis on the topics relevant to state-of-the-art tools of radiotherapy. The authors do not cover electron dosimetry and clinical aspects of electron beam radiotherapy. The material on clinical aspects of routine radiotherapy are not presented in as much depth as found in other texts dedicated to clinical radiation therapy. It does cover the basics. It also does not include any problem sets or examples of solved problems in the body of the text.

"Above all, I believe the material presented in the Physics of Radiotherapy X-Rays from Linear Accelerators is an excellent rendering of the field for medical physics students interested in becoming professionals in this field. The mathematical components are at a level that the reader can achieve overall perspective of the state-of-the-art practice issues by assimilating the information. The graphics used to illustrate the complex concepts are outstanding. Large numbers of illustrations used make the learning process extremely easy. The bibliography provided for each chapter is very good and allows the reader to pursue a specific topic further. I also believe that this text can be of use to residents and dosimetrists who wish to enhance their knowledge further."
Bhudatt Paliwal