Exposure of the Pregnant Patient to Diagnostic Radiations

Author:  Louis Wagner et al
ISBN:  9780944838723      ISBN10:  0944838723
Published:  1997 | 259 pp | 



Radiology  |  April 1998

Most diagnostic practitioners will need to deal with the issue of exposure to a pregnant patient at some point in their careers. Depending on their training and background, these practitioners will need additional information. This book provides information needed to address issues such as the radiation dosage delivered to the embryo or fetus, the risk, the consensus on that risk, how to approach this problem, and what to tell the patient.

"Part I of the book provides an overview of the diagnostic modalities (radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine) and the units and measures of radiation. For those who may not be as familiar as they need to be with basic physics and terms, the first two chapters provide background information that is helpful in understanding the remainder of the text. The next two chapters contain a review of radiation absorption by the conceptus and the prenatal risks associated with each of the diagnostic modalities. These chapters provide an important overview for the decision-making process.

"Part II of the book addresses clinical care of pregnant patients in whom diagnostic studies are necessary. From preliminary considerations to whether or not to proceed, the three chapters in this section provide a flow-chart approach to the decision-making process. I found this approach to be very easy to follow and very logical in its presentation. Included are suggested policies and guidance on counseling.

"Part III of the book discusses the clinical evaluation of the pregnant patient who has already been exposed. The first chapter in this section discusses initial actions and how to assess the need for a detailed dosage and risk assessment. The next two chapters address the risk evaluation process and decision making. An easy-to-follow flow-chart approach is also presented here. Recommendations and counseling are covered. The final chapter of the book contains 23 case reports covering most of the typical procedures in which pregnant women are exposed to radiation.

"The book also includes two appendixes with detailed examples of calculation for both diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine cases. Although these appendixes are more physics based than is practical for most practitioners, they are an excellent summary of the various approaches to dosage calculations. The book includes several tables that provide estimated dosages to the embryo or fetus from both diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine procedures. These can be used as general guidelines for deciding the need for detailed radiation dosage and risk assessments.

"If you do not have access to a textbook on this topic that is as complete as this one, I strongly suggest that you obtain a copy of this book. It is of great value in deciding how to deal with this situation when it arises. The book is also an excellent guide for determining whether you need to develop or expand policies for preventing exposure to pregnant patients within your group or department."
Dean W. Broga, PhD